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Monday, December 8, 2008

Pregnancy and Men

It is very clear that men, now a days, want to get involved more with the pregnancy. When a couple finds that they are pregnant, men are even more proud and happy than women and it is true. They get a sense of accomplishment and a living proof of their manhood. It is very important to them. Is it enough? Not at all.

They want to be a part of the pregnancy. They try to get involved in any way that is possible to show that they care and are equally anxious about it. Most of the women are sensitive and very expressive unlike men. Men keeps their anxiety with themselves. This doesn't mean they don't care.

Possible ways that men can participate in this journey of pregnancy

Before conception:

Every women wants to be cared for and spoken to when they are in pressure. And when a couple decides to enter the parenthood, more pressure is on the women. They are more obsessed and if at all they had to try more than one time, they get easily frustrated. This is where men plays an important role. It is very important for him to console and promise that he will be with her this entire process and they are in this together. Such love talk soothes women for sure.

First Trimester:

The important phase of Pregnancy. Most of the women will have morning sickness and it is very important that they take ample rest if required. So, men pitch in and cook for your lady. Do the laundry, she won't complain on the unwashed stain on her dress. She will be very happy and so will your child. Help in the household chores and make her feel comfortable. Talk to her whenever possible. Ask her how she feels.

Second Trimester:

Your baby is grown a little. You can see your lady with a big tummy. Make her feel that you love her however she looks. Most of the women feel very bad when they go out of shape. They think that this might make the relationship grow apart. But make her understand that it is not the case and you love her even more. Continue helping your lady with household chores and start to have a light walk with her. Be with her in all her ultrasounds and express how much lucky you are to have her as your wife.

Third Trimester:

Continue doing the chores and make sure that she does her regular pregnancy exercises. Make sure you are in the labor ward when she is giving birth. Hold her hands and soothe her. Make all the arrangements for your baby and be proud father!

More on Pregnancy and men here.

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