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Monday, November 10, 2008

8 Things to do before getting pregnant

Things to do before getting pregnant
Pregnancy - the goal of womanhood. It is a blessing to become a mother. Not all get the opportunity. Few get pregnant immediately and few have to work hard. Whatever be the case, there are few things that you must do before getting pregnant.Few important things. Photo :karindalziel

Intake Folic Acid

By taking 400 micrograms of folic acid a day for at least one month before you start trying and during your first trimester, you can cut your chances of having a baby with neural-tube defects such as spina bifida by up to 70 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Say No to Drugs, Drinks, smoke

If you are a person who loves to party and enjoy drinking and smoking. Well, it is high time you put a stop or atleast a pause to these activities. Drinking/Smoking during pregnancy affects the baby and has high possibility of preventing you from getting pregnant.

Say Bubye to Caffeine

Caffeine is considered as a drug that the absorption of Iron which is vital during pregnancy. It is suggested that you stop taking caffeine in any form. There is a high possibility to increase your risk for stillbirth. So start weaning yourself off of coffee, tea, and colas or switch to decaf.

Check your weight

It is very important that you are fit to become pregnant. It is found that people having a BMI of more than 30 or less than 20 have harder time in getting conceived. Check your BMI here. Be cautious and stay fit.

Eat healthy Food

This is very important. Change your diet from frozen food, junk food etc to healthy fruits and vegetables. Cook your food. Avoid eating outside.

Figure out when you Ovulate

It might sound very difficult to figure out when you ovulate but there are methods to help you. If you have a regular menstrual period, it is easy to figure out your ovulation period. Check out this ovulation calculator. You can also determine your ovulation period with the help of basal temperature. You can also check the ovulation period using the kits available in the market.

Throw your Birth Control Pill

Duh! A very obvious thing to do before getting pregnant.

Contact your doctor

Stay in touch with your doctor. She/he might help you figure out problems, if any.

Getting pregnant is more commitment in life, more responsibilities. So be sure that you are ready for this journey and then get pregnant. Good Luck!

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