Everyone loves to dream. Sometimes we do get upset when we dream of something we do not want to see. Few dreams haunt us. I have many times woken up by a same dream. Dreams are ways through which your subconscious mind try to communicate with you. If you understand what subconscious mind try to say, you can rule! It is not very easy. You need to master the art of dream interpretation. As it is always believed by me 'Nothing is impossible. You just need to try!'. So here is an article about disturbing dreams which I came across in www.psychic-aus.com . It is a good start to read our dreams which surely helps in solving our emotional problems.
Here is the link to the article
nice di sangeeth
I have dreamed frequently about jumping from rooftop to rooftop when I was a kid. I wonder if that means something about me in my life. Anyways the link to the article is broken. You might fix that. thanks.
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