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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to overcome Homesickness

In this busy world most of us are away from our family for improving our career opportunities.Not all are attached to family, but I bet all will feel nostalgic at some point during this journey.Homesickness is not an emotion for us to be ashamed of.You must feel proud that you are associated with a wonderful family and you miss their love and affection.Here is an article on how to overcome homesickness.Hope this is helpful for a lot of people out there missing their kith and kin.
Sometimes you just want to get away. Your older brother and his friends are constantly camped in front of the TV, your baby sister won't stay out of your room, and you want some time to yourself.
But when you get it - maybe at a friend's house for an all-weekend DVD marathon or on spring break at Disney World - you're surprised to find yourself missing the chaos at home a bit.
What's that all about? Believe it or not, you're feeling homesick.

The Deal With Homesickness
When you're homesick, you might feel nostalgic for familiar things like your family, friends, pets, house, or neighborhood. You can miss something as simple as your bed or the tree outside your window.
Homesickness isn't only for kids: Practically everyone feels homesick from time to time, even adults. Teens might get homesick when they leave home for the first extended period of time, like during a vacation with a friend's family or a summer job as a camp counselor. Going off to college is another common trigger.

Why Do I Feel This Way?
Familiar surroundings, people, and routines provide people with a sense of security and comfort. In a new place, you may find yourself missing the comforts of home and loved ones. Those homesick feelings are completely normal.

Tips for Dealing With Homesickness
Luckily, homesickness is usually mild and doesn't last long. And there are things you can do to make sure it doesn't spoil your fun.
Try a trial run.
Bring something that reminds you of home.
Call home when you can.
Do something you enjoy.
Talk to a friend, ideally someone who's going through the same experience you are.
Write in a journal.
Stay active.
Review your expectations.
Talk to an adult.
Almost everyone has felt homesick at some time. Remember that there's a good side to homesickness, too: It means you have family and friends worth missing and a place you want to return to when your adventure away from home is over. To read more do visit


Anonymous said...


while this is a great article, I feel it could be a bit more detailed so as to address homesickness for college students, especially those who chose to go to a different country for college- like me.


Anonymous said...

i'm going off on a church trip to the mountains. well, that's about 4 hours away from home, and i know very few people in my group. i'm scared that i'm gonna get homesickness and not have fun. all i need is my mom. nothing or no one else. but my mom is unable to come, should i ask my youth leaders if i can have my cell phone at all times, just in case(we're really not allowed to but my youth leaders are nice)please help!!!!! i'm leaving in 2 days...

opal said...

hey, thanks for the advices. Im really homesick right now and i really don't know what to.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

This is just a wonderful article.Now, I really feel comfortable with me as I have been abroad for two months. Thanks a lot to the author.

Anonymous said...

Thanks im going with my friend and im 12. we are going 6 or 7 hours away fromm my home for 8 days. and i dont really kno her family and i havent been away from my mom that long.. and im gonna miss them like crazyy and i dont think i can deal with it!!!! :(

Anonymous said...

Hi I just moved into dorms for University. I am oonly an hour and a half away from home but it feels like I`m on another planet. I am here for 8 months and i am worried it will last that long. It has only been 3 days and I can`t seem to stop crying and it doesn`t look good a university student crying. Will it go away - and what can I do not to cry? Thanks

Anonymous said...

It's really really comforting to know that others are going through the same thing! I stay overseas, far(9000km) away from my family. I came here about 4 days ago. My family will follow me here in another 4 months. I just cant accept the fact that they are so far away!! I cry every night,and im 19! Mostly i miss my mum! I know she cries for me too though..

Anonymous said...

it was a good article, it just didnt seem to help though. Bing a teen in the military i can never get that sense of familiarity or comfort so i always feel alone but at least i know its not a sign of weakness if everybody gets its

ILuvLittlestPetShops said...

Hi.. im just a regular 11 year old girl going through homesickness... i am at PEru for two weeks for a small vaction but my daddy cant come. he has to work so im sad and im staying in peru for 20 days... 17 left.. x"( thank you but it didnt help me tried and i want to go home.. :(

Anonymous said...

Hi im an 11 year old girl and im going through homesickness cuz we are going to PERU for 20 days but my dad cant come so im crying and im coming back may 11... i cant stop crying and its 1:40 in the mornign here and im doing this secretly.. i need help.. i want my daddy...... </3

Anonymous said...

hey there im on vaction in palestine for 2 mounths . and ive never felt this way before about missing my cousins and aunt. and house. im from nj. so its really far. but thank for this blog i really enjoyed this.... sometimes when things go bad and i get those fml moments i begin to tear up ALOT.. im a senstive person! but i call my aunt everyday . which makes me feel better ;) but im sorry for making this soooo long ;/ i get homesick and say i wanna go back to america :/ i feel bad when i cry cuz nobody eles goes though this in my family but me and now imma tear up a bit so bye :"(

Anonymous said...

I guess that helped ... A little ... I just came back from china and I love my family there . I used to go every year but this time it's my first time in five years . Here USA I have to work for some hours. I feel like crying when ever I think of them :"( I don't feel like working but I must .... I miss them so much

Anonymous said...

I get home sick and I feel like crying. What can I do to help? It aslo makes me feel really ill


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