ESP, or extrasensory perception, refers to the acquisition of information without the use of any the normal five human sense organs. It is the scientific designation for psychic, intuitive, mediumistic, prophetic, and related phenomena. Related terms are telepathy, which indicates information originating from the mind of another person. Clairvoyance (literally, ‘clear seeing’), refers to psychic sensitivity (particularly) in the form of visual information. Precognition is the perception of information about future events.
In regards to mysticism, ESP is commonly referred to as the sixth sense, and can provide an individual with information about the past, present, and future. To some, such information is regarded as having originated in a second, or alternate, reality.
Paranormal dreams fall within the range of research on extrasensory perception, although the dividing line between them and normal dreams is often difficult to draw. Various distortions or displacements of details frequently occur. Also, some go unnoticed by an outside researcher or even by the dreamer. Individuals who experience paranormal dreams usually describe them as being vivid and intense. The paranormal character of telepathic and prophetic dreams is usually quite clear. Sweating and trembling often occur, the dreams produce an impression lasting for days, and they tend to be repeated.
Hallucinations, which are the least common type of spontaneous ESP, may or may not be realistic. Basically, hallucinations fall between the direct knowledge of intuitions and the pictorial knowledge in dreams. Like intuitions, they occur when one is awake, but like dreams, the information is inferred from sensory input. Hallucinations of a psychic nature can occur in circumstances that might trigger ordinary hallucinations, such as extreme stress or fatigue, but can also occur when there seems to be no particular cause. The distinguishing feature of psychic hallucination is that the information conveyed could not have come from "past memories or present inferences" (as it is believed that typical hallucinations are based on memories and other unconscious material).
Precognition - This is one of the most common types of dream ESP people talk about. Apparently, they seem to dream about an event before it happens in reality, and in startlingly accurate detail. Some do not even realize that their dreams are precognitive until the event starts to happen in real life exactly as they had in the dream. If these dreams really do predict future events, this could have great implications. It may be that they future has already been decided and that we are just following a set path in our life. There are people without a precognitive dreaming background that believe this as well, but even though it may sound a bit strange, it could confirm their beliefs if ESP in dreams in found to be factual.
Dream Psychometry - This is the most uncommon of the three areas of dream ESP. These too, are accounts that cannot be proved because they are based purely on what the dreamer experiences. Dream psychometry is gaining information about an object in your dreams of which you know nothing about in waking life. The easiest way to do this would be to take a picture of a person you don't know and think about this person before you go to sleep at night. Then, when you wake up in the morning, record your dream and analyze them for any meaning that could relate to the picture. You may even want to try this with a book, such as calculus, the night before you have a test on the subject and see if you learn anything. This is not suggested unless you have no other options, this is referred to as osmosis, when you aren't in the dreaming state.
Synchronous - These are dreams in which the dreamer encounters another familiar character in a dream, and upon awakening and talking to that person they also recount the same dream experience during the night. If shared dreams are possible, it could prove the astral projection theory that goes along with OBE's. Most people are sceptical about this idea. They cant be blamed!, that is the way we have been brought up, especially in western culture, where they do not believe something unless there is sufficient scientific evidence to back it up. We may never be sure whether any of these theories will be proven, since the study of these rare occurrences is very difficult, so the only thing we can do is keep dreaming and know what we believe for ourselves.
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In regards to mysticism, ESP is commonly referred to as the sixth sense, and can provide an individual with information about the past, present, and future. To some, such information is regarded as having originated in a second, or alternate, reality.
Paranormal dreams fall within the range of research on extrasensory perception, although the dividing line between them and normal dreams is often difficult to draw. Various distortions or displacements of details frequently occur. Also, some go unnoticed by an outside researcher or even by the dreamer. Individuals who experience paranormal dreams usually describe them as being vivid and intense. The paranormal character of telepathic and prophetic dreams is usually quite clear. Sweating and trembling often occur, the dreams produce an impression lasting for days, and they tend to be repeated.
Hallucinations, which are the least common type of spontaneous ESP, may or may not be realistic. Basically, hallucinations fall between the direct knowledge of intuitions and the pictorial knowledge in dreams. Like intuitions, they occur when one is awake, but like dreams, the information is inferred from sensory input. Hallucinations of a psychic nature can occur in circumstances that might trigger ordinary hallucinations, such as extreme stress or fatigue, but can also occur when there seems to be no particular cause. The distinguishing feature of psychic hallucination is that the information conveyed could not have come from "past memories or present inferences" (as it is believed that typical hallucinations are based on memories and other unconscious material).
Precognition - This is one of the most common types of dream ESP people talk about. Apparently, they seem to dream about an event before it happens in reality, and in startlingly accurate detail. Some do not even realize that their dreams are precognitive until the event starts to happen in real life exactly as they had in the dream. If these dreams really do predict future events, this could have great implications. It may be that they future has already been decided and that we are just following a set path in our life. There are people without a precognitive dreaming background that believe this as well, but even though it may sound a bit strange, it could confirm their beliefs if ESP in dreams in found to be factual.
Dream Psychometry - This is the most uncommon of the three areas of dream ESP. These too, are accounts that cannot be proved because they are based purely on what the dreamer experiences. Dream psychometry is gaining information about an object in your dreams of which you know nothing about in waking life. The easiest way to do this would be to take a picture of a person you don't know and think about this person before you go to sleep at night. Then, when you wake up in the morning, record your dream and analyze them for any meaning that could relate to the picture. You may even want to try this with a book, such as calculus, the night before you have a test on the subject and see if you learn anything. This is not suggested unless you have no other options, this is referred to as osmosis, when you aren't in the dreaming state.
Synchronous - These are dreams in which the dreamer encounters another familiar character in a dream, and upon awakening and talking to that person they also recount the same dream experience during the night. If shared dreams are possible, it could prove the astral projection theory that goes along with OBE's. Most people are sceptical about this idea. They cant be blamed!, that is the way we have been brought up, especially in western culture, where they do not believe something unless there is sufficient scientific evidence to back it up. We may never be sure whether any of these theories will be proven, since the study of these rare occurrences is very difficult, so the only thing we can do is keep dreaming and know what we believe for ourselves.
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